Day Camp continued
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One page just isn't enough for daycamp stuff!
There are just too many memories for me to confine them to one page! What was I thinking? Crazy,Crazy!

Rachel and Justin as Mr. and Mrs. William Bradford
William Bradford was Christian man who sailed to the New World for a new start. He was a devout Christian who wrote "Pilgrims Progress".

The Whole Bradford Family
From left to right the Bradford children are Bryant Rogers, Tanner Barton, and Alisha Harris. They are listening as their dad (Justin) tells them of their upcoming journey to the new world.
Rachel and half of choreography
Rachel is hamming it up for me. Behind her the choreography is supposed to be singing. They follow directions so well!
Plaintiff Attorney and Court Reporter
Rachel is making a argument for her side and is being OVERRULED! Meanwhile, Ashley Gann is taking it all down as the court reporter. She is another kid that came out of her shell and took a part in the musical.
Mrs. Terri, my cousin
Terri is ready to do sidewalk chalk. I think this pic is from the end of camp because she is not wearing her daycamp t-shirt, naughty naughty.
Sing it Anna!
Anna is singing a solo in the first song from "In God We Trust". It is titled "Extra, Extra". She did a great job, and only 9 years old.